What we will be learning



Week of September 12, 2011

Word Work Center - Work on a rhyming worksheet.  Students will cut out a picture and glue it next to the picture that makes a rhyme.

Writing Center - Draw a picture of what they like to do with their family.  Then tell the teacher what they are doing with their family and the teacher will complete the sentence, "My family and I like to ------"

Reading Center - Color the pictures in the "B is for Ben" mini book and highlight the sight words we are currently learning. The mini book corresponds to the big book we will be reading in class.  The sight words for the week are "Am, Yes, Is, It, What"

Art Center - We will also be reading Jazz Baby.  For Art the students will be making shakers out of paper towels rolls.  [Thank you for everyone who brought some it as we had enough for our project :-)]

Afternoon writing -

                                Monday - Students will highlight sight words "Am, Yes" in a mini book titled "Where Am I?"

                                Tuesday - Students will copy their favorite sentence from Monday's book and draw a picture to match the sentence.

                                Wednesday - Students will highlight sight words "Is, It" in mini book titled "What is it."

                                Thursday - Students will copy their favorite sentence from Wednesday's book and draw a picture to match the sentence.

                                Friday - Students will write and or draw a picture of anything they want to in their journal.  We call this Free Journal Friday!



Week of September 5, 2011


No School Monday, September 5, 2011!  Enjoy your holiday weekend.

This week we will focus on the sight words "like" and "to" as well as review the words we have already learned.

Word Work Center - Look at the pictures.  Say the name of each picture.  Write "K" if the picture begins with the sound of "K".  Then color the "K" pictures.

Writing Center - Practice writing the letter "K"

Reading Center - Color the pictures to the "I like to" mini book and highlight any sight words we have learned or are currently learning. The mini book corresponds to the big book we will be reading in class.  "I like to" written by Maria R Folde.  https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0B9e7qb_wakFoYjRjZDkwMTItMDVmZC00Yjk1LTlhM2MtZTU4YTM4NGJmMTRm&hl=en

Art Center - We will be creating a class "Hands Book".  Students will trace their hands on a piece of construction paper and draw a picture of what they like to do.

Afternoon writing - We will be creating mini books titled "We like to" 


9:40 - 10:10 Myitte P Locke News - Songs - Review Sight Words - Story (with Mrs. Mondelli's Class)

10:10 - 10:15 Dismiss Mrs. Mondelli's Class

10:15 - 10:30 Reading Block

10:30 - 11:25 Morning Centers

11:30 - 12:20 Lunch and Recess

12:20 - 12:35 Calendar (with Mrs. Mondelli's Class)

12:40 - 1:25 Math with Mrs. Mondelli

1:30 - 2:10 Specials

2:15 - 3:00 Writing with Mrs. Goodrich

3:00 - 3:30 Second Step/Centers

3:30 Dismissal